Saturday, February 13, 2010

VIral Hemmoraghic Septicemia, Video Production, and Graphics

Wow where to start. Very busy with the USDA and Ad-Ventures, our internet marketing company. We are trying to spread the word about VIral Hemmorhagic Septicemia in five Great Lake States. We are designing a photo contest to arouse intrest in stopping the spread of this nasty fish disease. Its mostly carried by bait so CLEAN those LIVEWELLS and DONT TAKE BAIT FROM ONE LAKE TO ANOTHER! VHS can even survive 2 freezings in bait. USE GULP!!!

Crazy with Surf Day 2010. Osprey is shooting it and broadcasting it on Justin TV. Hank is here at Valinor as we tested the live feed yesterday at Brookdale Community College the site of the event next Saturday.

Been buying the right video gear. Our goals with video is simple, yet technology keeps being an issue. I want my stuff to be real and not 'look' or 'feel' a certain way. I want to make the viewer forget about production and focus on the message, not the media. That is not easy however because if you skimp on technology the media is so bad or distracting that definately gets in the way. I want to be real, gritty, and good. I already go to cool places, and see cool things outside all the time. I have always captured photography of those adventures. Now I want to capture video and relay what I see real time in its grand simplicity to you. I dont want to hoot and holler or be a silly fish kisser, my goal is to stay off video and focus on YOU.

I have made a significant investment is both video, sound and editing equipment. The first steps are chronicled on my You Tube Channel below. Now they start getting real.

Lastly, I mentioned FishTank is here. He is doing some great Graphics and Photo work for me. He has re-worked our logo. I am getting some sales material and some display stuff ready for the shows, then its time to focus on fishing!

Remember friends, this blogspot is here as a placeholder until the site goes live. I dont want to release a half assed version of a site so I am taking my time.

Time to start tying into Facebook and Twitter, I am all set there. Also getting ready to save whats left of KFS ass.

see you guys soon.


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